Digital Varsity Prospectus

Digital Varsity Prospectus

At Mount Kenya University Rwanda, you can earn your degree online through our Open Distance and
electronic learning {Digital Varsity) Our online programmes are designed to equip you with skills that will help you be competitive in the work place today.
The university is a collaborating partner of Sakai digital platform of USA. The platform serves upwards of 1.25 million students in the USA and 4 million globally. This number includes students studying online at Mount Kenya University in Rwanda. Within a single platform the MKU digital varsity supports virtually any type of instructional approach, including elements of the educational experience that are unique to specific programmes.
Our exceptional team of technical support staff helps students to navigate the platform. Students connect with the support team by phone, email and via online chat.

Courses that you an study online

Why Study at MKU Digital Varsity

Our Digital Varsity online education is growing daily. We provide learning experiences that are
more tailored to individual students accelerated by the increasing use of social networking
technology. Benefits joining MKU Rwanda digital Varsity

  1. Good management system with features that enhance learning, access to resources, virtual interactions, online CATS, assignments and self-paced learning.
  1. Diaspora students sit for examinations in their embassies abroad hence convenient and cost saving instead of them travelling back to Rwanda.
  2. Learning is flexible and courses run on trimester basis. Credit transfers are given on application by the academic heads.
  3. Reliable technical and academic support.
  4. No need to be away from home or work for a long time.
  5. You learn when learning works best for you.
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